Question 1.
Who is your favourite male anime
Oh man is this a difficult question, but if I had to pick one male character I would have to say Kai from Beyblade. He's the first character that comes to mind and I've always loved him, it used to be a tie between him and Duo Maxwell from Gundam Wing. :3
Question 2.
Who is your favourite female anime character?
Again, another hard question! So let's go with the first that comes to mind, so her I go. . . . RYOKO!! From Tenchi Muyo :3 Love Love Love Loooooovvvvvvveeeee her!!!! <333
Question 3.
What is your favourite anime soundtrack?
I'd have to go with the soundtrack from either Escaflowne or Ghost in the shell : Stand alone complex :3 wooo
Question 4.
What is your favourite anime opening song + animation?
Without a doubt it would have to be the Japanese opening of Escaflowne XD I love it :3
Question 5.
What is your favourite anime ending song + animation?
Hmmm I would have to pick the ending of Prince of Tennis :3
I love it more for the song than the animation but still I love it :3
Or maybe even the ending to Outlaw Star :3
Question 6.
What is your favourite anime scene?
Ummmmmm hmmmm what scene shall I pick??? Man oh man is this hard to pick :,) maybe, or maybe not .... Hmmm maybe the scene at the end of episode 13 of Ghost Hunt :,) that was such a sad yet heartwarming scene. I won't spoil it but man just watch it and if you don't cry well then clearly you have no heart 😭
Question 7.
If you could meet any anime character, who would it be?
Good question, I would probably want to meet Mai from Ghost Hunt :3 She's such a positive character and I think I'd have a lot to learn from her :)
Question 8.
What anime character is most similar to you in terms of personality?
Hmmm let's see :/ I would love to say that I am like Tohru Honda, but I guess others would probably pick other characters.
Question 9.
What is your favourite thing about anime?
I love everything about anime. EVERYTHING!! The story's, the character designs, the scenery and most of all the other fans. It's like a family that you have become a part of. An amazing form of escapism and yeah I just LOVE it!!! XD
Question 10.
What is your least favourite thing about anime?
I don't like it when my favourite series end :3 and that's about it really :,)
Question 11.
Who are your favourite anime couple?
My favourite anime couple are Chizuru and Ryu!!! Man are they so so so adowwable and cute :3 I love them so much :3
They're just the CUTEST THING EVER!! <33
Question 12.
Who is your favourite anime animal?
Okay, so the only epic animal that springs to mind is Tiger :3 A gorgeous blue wolf :3
Question 13.
What anime would make a good game?
I think pretty much every anime you can think of has a game adaption or was a game first.. :F
... Honestly I would have to say Drqgon Ball z, it already has a couple of games, but if like to see a different type of game. One where you get to play out the story :3
Question 14.
What game would make a good anime?
Okay, so I would have to agree with Serah as I would love to see these games turned into anime XD man would they be epic!! There's so much detail in the games that they'd have a lot of material to work with :)
Another Code: Two Memories (DS)
Another Code: R - A Journey Into Lost Memories (Wii)
Actually...Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon (Wii) would also be a great game to make into an anime! O:
Question 15.
What was the first anime you ever watched?
Before I knew what anime was, I'd have to say Sailor Moon, but actively knowing what anime is, I guess it would have to be Naruto.
Question 16.
Do you think you'll ever stop watching anime?
I know I haven't been watching anime as much recently, but I can safely say that I'll never fully stop. When I have kids I'll just force them to watch it, mwuhahahahahaha XD
Question 17.
What is your favourite genre of anime?
Honestly I don't have a favourite genre, I love different series from pretty much every genre. Yaoi, Yuri, Horror, Shojo, Shounen and everything else :3
Question 18.
What is your least favourite genre of anime?
Hmmm maybe comedy?? I don't really like comedy anything :,)
Question 19.
Are you open about watching anime with people you know?
Sure why not?? If they want to watch it then yeah, but I wouldn't make them watch it with me.
Question 20.
Have you ever been to Japan?
Sadly, no. I'd love to go one day, but I have some things to work out first before I plan any holidays :,)
Question 21.
What anime was the biggest let down for you?
Hmm maybe One Piece :O shocking I know, but honestly I prefer just reading the Manga. I felt it was a let down as the voice actors for Luffy are so painful to listen to, both English and Japanese :,(
Question 22.
What anime was better than you expected?
Kyo kare maoh!! It was amazing, I didn't think it would be good, but man was I wrong :O
Question 23.
What is the best anime fight scene?
All of them in Dragon Ball Z, Naruto and One Piece XD sorry I can't pick one :,)
Question 24.
Who is your anime waifu and/or hasubando?
Every anime fan has both a waifs and a hasubando, so here are mine :3
Syo-kun and Komari-chan <333
I think they'd make a perfect couple, especially if I were Komari-chan :3
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